Julia Meade, a theatrical, motion picture and television actress, was also well known as a frequent television and print commercial spokesperson.
She appeared in editorial Photos in many magazines including LOOK, LIFE and TV Guide.
She passed away on May 16, 2016. Read The New York Times obituary.
Julia Meade and husband O. Worsham Rudd, a commercial artist, photographed by Yale Joel for an article called 'The Prettiest Pitchgirl' in the June 13, 1960 issue of LIFE Magazine. The caption for this photo reads: Julia poses on a stepladder in her husband's studio. He is Worsham Rudd, an illustrator, and Julia shows up in print from time to time under fictional names.
"My husband sketches me when he doesn't have time to get a model. It wouldn't be so boring if he caught me when I had something to meditate about, but he never does. He tries to make me think he wants to use me because I'm divine, but he really uses me because I'm inexpensive."
The Julia Meade web site maintains a Facebook page for Julia called the Julia Meade Fan Club. It contains material not seen on this web site, as well as comments and posts from friends and fans.